Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What a Crock

I keep trying to write this post, and am totally distracted by my three year old "reading" to himself in bed. So I apologize ahead of time if it is completely incoherent...I just can't help but stop and listen to his sweet little voice.
A week or two ago, we got a ton of gorgeous broccoli in our farm box delivery. We had it that night on baked potatoes with melted cheese, and then I put the rest of it, a huge bag, in one of the kitchen drawers. I had grand plans of finding a recipe for broccoli casserole using fresh broccoli, and posting it here. Want to know what really, really smells? Broccoli that was shoved to the back of a refrigerator drawer and completely forgotten about. Gah.
I am a total sucker for all kitchen tools. I could never, ever be one of those minimalists who manages to cook all of Thanksgiving dinner with one knife, a cast iron pan, and a microwave. But I'm also ruthless when it comes to cleaning out drawers and closets. It doesn't take much for me to bring something home, but kitchen tools have to really pull their weight for me to keep them. I am on the verge of getting rid of my crock pot. I so rarely use it, and it takes up such prime real estate in the kitchen cabinets. It keeps getting a reprieve from all the magazines that come in swearing to have the "slow cooker recipe to change your life," though none of them ever sound like something I really want to make. If any readers really do have the crock pot recipe that changes your life, please share. The pot is on borrowed time.