Friday, March 11, 2011

Delay, Delay, Delay

Today is D-Day for the freezers. With the exception of a few special occasion items (a loaf of pound cake, homemade chicken stock, a small beef tenderloin) and high-turnover basics (frozen pizza dough and sauce, small containers of the spinach pesto I made just a few days ago, frozen fruit for smoothies, frozen biscuits) anything we have not managed to eat in the past 2 weeks is getting pitched tonight (I'm looking at you, green beans, lima beans, and unidentifiable-something-red-in-a-large-ziplock-bag). On one hand, it really is painful to throw away perfectly good food (though query if it's really 'perfectly good' if we don't eat it even when we're trying to clean out the freezer). On the other hand, forcing myself to go through this exercise twice each year does help me be more mindful of what goes in the freezer in the first place.
Frozen biscuits are definitely a freezer staple. Like all good Southerners, we love ham biscuits for breakfast. I find it tough to make these during the week, however, because between the time it takes to preheat the oven and then to bake the biscuits, I start to run late. Most mornings I have 15-20 glorious minutes to myself in the kitchen before hungry little boys arrive Demanding Breakfast Now, and in that time I need to have coffee, empty the dishwasher, make breakfast, and pack a lunch. For three mornings in a row I tried to remember to come out and preheat the oven before getting dressed, so it would be ready and waiting for me to pop the biscuits in, but really - who can manage even a small change in routine at 6:00am? Finally it occurred to me. If I use the "delay start" function to get the oven preheated, I can set it the night before. Voila. I now have time to do ham biscuits in the morning, much to every one's delight. That's what we had for breakfast this morning. I served the boys and asked them to wait just a second so I could run and get my camera to take a picture for the blog. When I returned less than 90 seconds later, this was all that was left: