Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out With The Old

One of my very favorite things about our house is our dining room. It is, in my mind, the perfect place to eat. It's next to the kitchen, which makes it convenient for serving the food, but is an entirely separate room, which means you are not looking at dirty dishes throughout your meal. It is big enough to accommodate some nice substantial pieces of furniture, but not so big that we feel like we're eating in the Bat Cave. And, with perhaps more luck than deliberate design, we've furnished and decorated it in a way that seems to strike just the right balance between dressy and everyday-usable. It's like the perfect sundress - easy to dress up with pearls and a great clutch, easy to dress down with flip flops and a beach bag.

It does, however, have one major flaw:
I despise this chandelier. The prissy shades, the weird leaves, the Gothic-like finish on it. You, dear readers, are not really seeing it in all its glory, when it was covered in a bunch of crystals. Ugh. Not to mention it is centered right in the middle of the room, but the builder failed to think about the fact that once you have a sideboard in the room, the dining table is actually off-center by several feet. Whenever we have a dinner party we have to seat our shortest guest under it to minimize the chances of a serious head injury.
Happily, it is on its way out. I am determined that by the end of this month we'll have a fresh look that no longer poses a threat to any one under 5 feet tall. Stay tuned.