Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Been There, Eaten That

We continue to eat our way through Charleston, visiting old favorites and not yet being dazzled by all the pretty new places to eat. Thankfully, this is Charleston, and things don't change too quickly around here.

It has been so long since we were here just for true vacation, and not a wedding, holiday, fund raiser, or other food-is-already-built-in-event, that in some cases it has been over five years since we have called on these old friends. Let me tell you, just between you and me, some of them are showing their age. It's always been my practice not to say anything negative about a restaurant on this blog. I try to keep the attention on the ones that are doing it right, and ignore the rest in the hopes they will just go away. So I'm not naming names...but really...haven't we learned that bread should be warm, and butter at least should not be ice cold? And that coffee ordered with dessert should be served with dessert, not 15 minutes later?
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, and I have a special treat for my boys. When you are a Mean Mom like I am and force your children to have hot cooked breakfast every morning, like oatmeal, French toast, and peanut butter pancakes, it's pretty easy to make their day special with a little sugar. They'll be surprised tomorrow.