Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Three for Three

We are, once again, mired in our family's Trifecta of Chaos: head colds for everyone, plus work travel for me, plus a weekend of working for DH. Why these things always hit at once is beyond my snot-stuffed brain to comprehend, but they have. Thus, for dinner this week we have had: cereal (Monday), scrambled eggs (Tuesday), and take out from our neighborhood clubhouse tonight. The only thing remarkable in all of this was when I looked up from my soggy chicken quesadilla tonight, I realized my children were naked. Totally naked. Odd, right? When I asked them why, they said it was naked-dinner-night.

Well, okay. In my exhausted, sudafed-plus-Clariten-plus-Aleve existence, I'm sure that makes sense on some level.

Readers, I will return when the chaos departs. Hopefully in a day or two. Stay tuned.