Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And Here's Another One

My little guy finally ate real food yesterday evening after more than 48 hours of not eating, to everyone's relief. (Particularly his. He kept walking around saying, "My tummy is so happy!" Except with all the trauma to his mouth, it came out "My nummy ish show happy!")

What did he eat, you might ask? Cheese rice.

Yes, cheese rice. I cannot tell you how many people I have said this to in response to their concerned questions, and they stare at me blankly. What is cheese rice? they ask.


It's rice.

With cheese on it.

A common delicacy in this Savannah household, and yet a mysterious and foreign dish to so many. So here's the recipe.

1) Cook some rice. I like good old-fashioned Uncle Ben's long grain white rice. I also slightly overcook it when serving it to my kids so it has a little bit softer texture.
2) Add shredded cheddar cheese.
3) Stir.
4) Eat.

Starch and cheese. Really, you can't go wrong.