Friday, April 15, 2011


My refrigerator and I are in midst of a cold war at the moment (ha! pun totally intended!). It is full of fabulous items from our farm box delivery, like fresh carrots, peas, mushrooms, baby lettuces, cabbage, oranges, and little vidalia onions. I, on the other hand, am still full of snot. Which makes all vegetables, and most fruit, completely unappetizing. I don't know why it is that whenever I feel the slightest bit sick, vegetables lose all of their appeal. When I was pregnant with our youngest, just seeing a salad would make me vomit. Does this ever happen to Alice Waters???

So, we are continuing to eat things like pizza-that-gets-delivered-rather-than-grilled, and I feel guilty watching that cabbage slowly shrivel a bit more every day.

With any luck, we'll be back to our healthy ways next week. Have a great weekend.