Monday, May 17, 2010

Perfect is the Enemy of Good

First of all, where the heck did spring go? Just yesterday I was whining about the cold, and now we are smack dab into summer time.

It's been a crazy two months, filled with nothing but completely normal family and work activities, and yet the time goes by so's astounding (of course, I am sure that when I start potty training our youngest in 2 weeks, time will come to a screeching halt). I fully intended to just take a few weeks off from blog posting in order to figure out how to post better pictures, read other food blogs for inspiration, figure out Google Analytics, figure out facebook groups, and try a whole pile of new recipes to review and share.

Guess how much of that happened.

Yup, zilch.

As it turns out, it takes me about 5 minutes to do a blog post, and it apparently DOES take a rocket scientist to figure out the rest of it. Which I am not. Grrr! So, in the spirit of not allowing perfect to be the enemy of good, I am back to posting anyway.

Dinner tonight: Fresh Market pork potstickers. SO GOOD and I can thank Atlanta Mom for the discovery. They're in the deli section of fresh market. Heat 1 tablespoon vegetable oil over medium heat in a large, non-stick skillet. Drop the potstickers in the oil and allow to brown for 2 minutes (don't bother turning them). Add 2 tablespoons water and cover fast before the oil pops out and attacks you. Leave covered and cook for 2 more minutes. Serve over white rice with a bit of your favorite soy sauce, and salad on the side. These go beautifully, just beautifully, with a glass of sparkling wine (all the better to celebrate the return of the blog, yes?). Cheers!