Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On the Road Again

This is how brilliant I am - I decide to start posting again right as I'm about to take back to back trips. Just smashing.

The first one is a road trip to the mountains with my boys (all four of them - sons, husband, and dog) (I'll be the crazy lady strapped to the roof of the car) for a family wedding. I think my packing list is longer than my senior thesis, and it has one very, very important section: food. We've rented in a house in a fairly rural area, and are schlepping four days worth of food on a 6 hour car ride.

So here's a question for you: if you had to pack knowing you couldn't get to a grocery store for 4 days (but also knowing your dinners are covered), what would make your packing list?

Here's mine:
Coffee + half & half
Diet Coke
Coke Zero (yes, caffeine is the secret to happy parents traveling with little boys)
Pumpkin bread
String cheese
Goldfish crackers
Bagels & cream cheese (crap, as I write this I remember I completely forgot to stop and get bagels this afternoon. Guess we'll be picking them up on our way out of town tomorrow. See, this blog is good for something!)
Good NY sharp cheddar cheese
Pickles (because what good is a grilled cheese sandwich without pickles on the side?)

Things that have occurred to me that I forgot to get in addition to the bagels:
Peanut M&Ms
Cheese, crackers, good salami, grapes
Bottle opener

And on that note, I'm off to do one more grocery run and more packing...