Friday, May 28, 2010

Eat This. With That.

This post is about eating, not cooking.

Does anyone else find it ridiculously hard to eat healthy while traveling? I don't have such a hard time when I'm traveling with my family - we often rent a house or condo, which gives us a kitchen on hand that I can stock with our usual foods. But when I'm traveling for work, at the mercy of other people's schedules and menus, I have a terrible time making the best choices.

This past trip I was determined to be better. So when I had a meal break with no obligatory dining partners, I took a 15 minute walk from my hotel to a great salad place, got a huge salad with lovely romaine lettuce, roasted chicken, carrots, tomatoes, chick peas, and cucumber, and brought it back to my hotel room to eat in my remaining free 10 minutes (all the while quite pleased with my 30 minutes of fresh air and healthy meal option). Only to find that I had returned with no fork (and no time to go find one). Dammit!!! And it's not like you can eat salad with your fingers, though I was so hungry I was about to. Until I looked around my hotel room and came upon the ice tongs. So there I sat, eating my frickin' healthy food, with hotel ice tongs.

Lesson learned. Because I've never met a cheeseburger that required a fork.

Happy holiday weekend to all, and a special thank you to our service members.