Thursday, January 14, 2010

Iron Chef, Savannah Style

Is it wrong that I'm in love with an appliance? My husband recently gave me a new coffeemaker, and I find myself disturbingly attached to it. I think I look forward to seeing it in the morning more than I do my children.
In keeping with our (my) New Year's resolution, I've signed up to get weekly deliveries of vegetables from local farmers. But here's the twist - you don't know what you're getting until they arrive. We got our first delivery today, and got green beans, spinach, acorn squash, watercress, citrus fruit, carrots, and a loaf of fresh baked bread. Awesome. The bread is always included and the vegetables vary depending on what's ready to be picked. Deliveries are on Thursdays, so from here on out, Thursday will be our Iron Chef night - I'll have our meat ready, and then we'll eat with it whatever veggies come, along with the bread. Tonight I had pizzas ready to go, and then topped them with the spinach and a few other things I already had in the fridge. Savannah readers: if you're interested, e-mail Carmen Jackson at It's $25/week and requires a 6 week minimum. Delivery is free. Just based on this week, I highly recommend it.