Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Fish Tale

What's your easiest WOW recipe - the one that makes people say wow, this is really good?! I recently found one for pan-fried flounder, and it's truly so easy you'll never again say you can't make good seafood at home.

I am slightly embarrassed by this discovery, however, because when DH and I used to live in Charleston, many years ago, we would go to our favorite restaurant for this very dish at least a couple times a month. If I had any idea how simple it was to make at home, I could have saved us some serious money. (Or if I'm honest - I could have spent more money on shoes, less on eating out)

Note - I've made this with tilapia as well as flounder, and it comes out just as good.

Pan-Fried Flounder

4 flounder fillets
3 tablespoons butter
1 lemon

Wash flounder in cold water, pat dry. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat 2 tablespoons butter in heavy-bottomed, stainless pan (no non-stick, it won’t brown properly) over medium-high heat. Dredge flounder in flour, shake off excess, and place in melted butter. Cook approximately 3 minutes. Lift gently to check underneath - is it nice and brown? Flip and cook approximately 3 minutes on the other side. Remove to plates. Turn the heat off and quickly whisk in remaining tablespoon of butter and juice of one lemon, getting up all the nice brown bits with your whisk. Drizzle sauce over the flounder, serve immediately. Delicious with rice, crispy salad, and a nicely chilled sauvignon blanc. Happy eating!