Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Come On Over

It appears I am not the only one traveling these days. In what can only be described as fabulous for Savannah and its tourism industry, it appears from my email inbox these days that a bunch of you are also traveling, and putting Savannah on your destination list. Excellent! I've had multiple requests for suggestions of where to go, where to eat, and what to do here, so here's my list. A warning, first. It is stinkin' hot and humid here right now. Seriously, it's the kind of weather that sucks the lifeblood out of you if you're not used to it. I personally love it, but take note and pace yourself.

1) For kids and adults alike, do not miss climbing to the top of the Tybee Lighthouse. The views are gorgeous and the exercise will do you good. But do it first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening, because it's like a sauna in there. Call for hours, as they change around just to keep you guessing. A side note about Tybee - if you're thinking about a day trip to Tybee's beaches, be forewarned that the water to the public bathrooms has inexplicably been turned off this summer. Ugh.

2) Sunday brunch at Firefly Cafe may be one of my very favorite things in all the world. Everything on the menu is good, and it's in one of the cutest parts of downtown Savannah.

3) Eat dinner at B. Matthews (though I also hear the breakfasts are wonderful). Reasonably priced, great food, great by-the-glass wine list. Order a pinot and whatever salmon special they have, and you can't go wrong.

4) If you're staying at a place with a kitchen, hit the Market at Trustees' Garden on Wednesday afternoon (4pm - 7pm) or Saturday morning for local shrimp, fruit, veggies, fresh eggs (so good you'll never want grocery store eggs again), and baked goods.

5) Did I mention the fresh shrimp? If you stay in Savannah and don't eat fresh Georgia shrimp, it's a crime. Ask in restaurants if that's what they're serving (though it usually says on the menu). Look for this label.

6) Amble around the downtown design district. Park your car somewhere around the intersection of Gaston and Whitaker, and then head north on Whitaker on foot, exploring the wonderful shops and residential streets. I'm including a link to Circa lighting to give you a better idea of location, since I'm not know for my great direction-giving.

7) If you're shopping for antiques, or if you just want to tell your friends you went antiquing in Savannah, do not miss Jere's Antiques.

8) Traveling with kids? Check out the Pirate House Restaurant and Oatland Island Wildlife Center.

9) Eat at the kid-friendly and adult-friendly Bonna Bella Yacht Club. Impossible to find, but soooo worth it. Eat outside for a great view and fun people watching of all the folks who come here by boat.

There you go - my absolute favorite pieces of Savannah.