Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Cleaning

My freezer is a disaster. I pride myself on having a freezer full of things that I can turn to when life gets too busy or hectic, but I'm afraid at the moment, the food is turning on me. All the bins are overflowing, I can't find anything, and everything is either past its prime or rapidly getting there. So I have vowed that this week and next are clean-out-the-freezer week. Every day one thing has to go, and nothing will be replaced until the entire contents of the freezer have been used up or tossed. (With, perhaps, the exception of ice cream sandwiches, because if I don't have those for bribery, my entire parenting approach falls apart.) This could be fun. It's like my own personal iron chef challenge.

As with any good over-reaching and too-ambitious project, I like to start with an easy step. Today I dug out a bag of green beans suffering from freezer burn, and fed them to the dog. I'm already feeling accomplished. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Dinner tonight: pan fried tilapia, whole wheat couscous, and green salad (why do I always write "green" salad? As if I know how to make a purple or red salad?)