Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keep It Simple

Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. If you are a foodie, or a regular New York Times reader, you might recognize these breathtakingly simple words of advice about healthy eating from reporter and writer Michael Pollan. They have changed my food life. His article can be found here, and he's now written a book, In Defense of Food, that is fascinating. No joke - I couldn't put it down. (Put it on your summer reading list. Seriously.)

His general rules are this: Read labels. If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it. Fill your plate primarily with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And stop eating so damn much.

Ah, all so easy to read, nod sagely, and then ignore. But these really are the food rules I try to live by. Here's a recipe that fits the rules, that I make 2-3 times each week:

Breakfast Smoothie
1 cup orange juice
1 cup yogurt (read those yogurt labels! Get real yogurt - I like Stoneyfield farms organic yogurt)
1-2 cups frozen fruit, depending on the consistency you like. (I buy bags of frozen berries and separately freeze my own bananas, pre-sliced, so my smoothies are usually a banana, strawberry, blueberry combination)
Put ingredients in blender, blend until smooth.

Tip: if you have popsicle molds like these, this recipe makes super yummy popsicles.