Sunday, May 15, 2011

No Ma'am

OMG. I am so full as I type this that it's almost painful to even think about food, much less write about it. (Or maybe it's painful because I'm lying on the couch with a laptop sitting on my overly stuffed stomach. Who knows.)

We just returned from dinner at our friends the T.'s. They, like us, are in the thick of the Survival Years with little boys. Let me tell you, dear readers, there's nothing like eating dinner with another family in the same stage as us. No one blinks when a boy gets teary over - horrors! - a speck of onion in a hamburger (my child), or crawls under the table and licks the floor (happily, their child).
I was hoping to have a fabulous new side dish to blog tonight. We ate lunch at Panera Bread the other day and I had a salad with "roasted edamame" in it. Hello, delicious. It was so good I thought, I can do this at home! And blog about it! And people will say, you know that Savannah girl, she really knows her stuff.

Well. You see where this is going, right? I don't know what the folks at Panera are doing with their edamame. But I can tell you what they are not doing. They are not tossing it with olive oil, a little salt and pepper, and roasting it at 425 for 25 minutes. And I suggest you not do it either.