Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

The groundhog was right - spring is coming early this year. Last year I felt cheated. We didn't really get warm, spring weather until mid-April, and then after just a few weeks of it we went straight to the summer heat. This year we're already in week 2 of temperatures in the 70's and everyone is practically giddy.
The warm weather has me doing my semi-annual pantry and freezer clean out (along with the closets). It's that time of year when I seem to have to face my mistakes, both fashion and food. With the clothes, I am trying to be clear headed about the things that just sat in the closet for the past 5 months. If I didn't wear them this year, I know I won't wear them next, and yet it's still so hard to cut to the chase and put perfectly good sweaters and pants in the Goodwill pile. Sadly, the same seems to be true of the freezer. If I haven't reached for the shrimp etouffee leftovers in the past 3 months, I'm not going to be reaching for it in the next 3 months. And yet so hard to toss perfectly good, if not great, food! Ah, dilemmas.