Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Devil Came Down To Georgia

Have you ever thought to yourself, "I would give anything for a day in bed!"? Or, "What I wouldn't trade to have 3 pounds just magically disappear!".

Friends, I am here to tell you, those are deals with the devil. After catching the stomach flu our oldest brought home, I am lying in the bed desperately wishing for a return to normal life of work, laundry, carpool, basketball, soccer, and supper club. This just flat out sucks.
There is nothing on this earth more refreshing after the kind of night I just had than an ice cold Gatorade. And I have one. Sitting next to me on the bedside table. Unfortunately, I cannot get it open. Either the top is particularly tricky today, or my arms are particularly weak, or both, but it's infuriating. Can I wait 4 more hours until my poor husband gets home? I just might have to. I don't think there's an app for that.
Very first post done from my iPad!