Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Something's Gotta Give


We are unusually busy around here this month, even more so for this household that has its share of chaos. Between 3 out of town trips, a broken down car, negotiations for a new car, a little boy getting molars, a slammed work schedule, and the usual daily juggle, we're having to do some prioritizing around here.

Here are the things that apparently have not made the priority list:

Grocery shopping (it turns out old granola bars make a great sandwich substitute in lunches, and didn't I just say I needed to clean out the pantry?)
Exercise (it ain't pretty)
Mail (I've given up on even taking it out of the mailbox, because then I feel compelled to do something with it)
Posting on my blog

So bear with me for a week or so, and I'll have some more food posts soon. In the meantime, stay warm!