Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Pizza

Brilliance alert!

(Okay, perhaps 'brilliance' is too strong a word. But I'm a little jazzed up on cold medicine and given to hyperbole today).

Easy and fast dinner idea, and oh so yummy. Here are the steps:

1) Review pizza tips post, and remember to check that you have cornmeal.

2) Before you leave for work/school/crazy errand running in the morning, take your pizza dough out of the freezer and set it on the counter. Leave it there all day, and it will have plenty of time to defrost and rise (minimum 6 hours, and leaving it alone as long as 9 hours will be just fine). If the package is tied with a twist tie, don't forget to loosen it so the dough will have room to rise.

3) On your way home from work/school/crazy errand running, pop into the grocery store and pick up a jar of pesto, a rotisserie chicken, and a package of mozzarella cheese. (I've actually been using pesto I made last summer and froze, when my basil was growing out of control) (If you're really organized, you could make roasted chicken one night and then use the leftovers for this pizza - just have the cheese and pesto ahead of time, and you've saved a trip to the market).

4) When you walk in the door, your dough is ready for you. Preheat your oven, to 425, roll out the dough, and spread on the pesto. Top with cheese and roasted chicken. Bake for 20 minutes until the crust is brown and the cheese is bubbly. That gives you just enough time to pour some wine, flip through the mail and marvel at all the Christmas card pictures, and get every one's hands washed.

5) Supper is ready!
