Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Great Pumpkin, Part 2

News flash: did you, dear reader, realize that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK? Yes, a week from tomorrow. I truly did have it in my head that we were still 2 weeks away. We are hosting this year, and I had a moment of panic when I thought about all the things I haven't done to get ready. Like, plan the menu. Grocery shop. Make my pie crusts like I so smugly instructed the rest of you to do on Monday. Put extra leaves in the table. Polish silver. Stock up on liquor.

Ah -ha! You thought that last one was to survive the holiday, didn't you? But no. It is the super secret ingredient in my pumpkin pie.

Here's what you do: follow the instructions for pumpkin pie on the back of a Libby's can of pumpkin. But, before you add the evaporated milk, remove one shot glass worth of it. Then add one shot of Mount Gay (dark) rum. And carry on with making your pie - same cooking time, etc.

Do you think that sounds crazy? It's not - it's wonderful. Your guests will never know there's rum in the pie, but it gives it a depth of flavor that can't be beat. Serve with homemade whipped cream, and enjoy!