Monday, May 2, 2011

Slow Down

With the possible exception of December, this month seems to be the busiest time of the year. The weather is delightfully hot, which means we are trying to cram in as much boating and swimming as we possibly can. The school year is coming to a close, so they are trying to cram in as many special events as possible (pajama day! beach day! talent show! field day!). Spring activities have not quite drawn to a close, so we are still running to various practices, lessons, and games. On top of all that, it's my busy travel season for work, and I am facing 3 trips this month.

I am determined, in the midst of all this, to slow down. I am not going to blink and discover it is already June; I am going to enjoy and savor these last few days of spring.

And the best way I know how to do that is to drink.

Or more specifically, sip.

My husband makes THE best Gin & tonics. And I promise you, there is nothing like holding a ice cold glass on a hot evening to make it seem like a lazy summer day...even if it is not.

Here's his recipe:
1 crystal double old fashioned (Yes, pull put your wedding crystal. Trust me, these taste so much better in one.)
1-2 ounces good Gin (Tanqueray or Blue Sapphire are my favorites) (Adjust the amount depending on how much you need to get done that ounce and I can still sort the mail, straighten up, respond to an email, and fold laundry. Two ounces and I might fall asleep while reading to the boys.)
1 lime
Good tonic water (diet, if you like, which I do - my hands down favorite is White Rock)

Fill the double old fashioned with ice. Pour in the Gin. Cut lime into fourths. Squeeze one fourth over the ice, drop into the glass. Squeeze a 2nd fourth of the lime into the glass as well (this second shot of fresh lime juice is the real secret, I think. Plus, I'm pretty sure this counts as one of your fruit servings for the day). Fill glass with tonic water. Close your eyes, imagine the summer beach breezes, and sip.