Once it appeared we had all survived the stomach virus this past weekend, we piled in the car for our annual trip to visit my sister-in-law and her gorgeous family (two girls the same ages as our boys, lucky us). Since I am on the receiving end of these visits myself once each year, I know how hard it is to feed the entire crowd. The adults tend to be a pretty easy going crowd so long as there's a bottle of Pinot Noir open (a shared love between my brother-in-law and myself), but the kids can be any combination of We Eat Anything And Everything And We Want More Now or We Eat Nothing Don't Even Ask Us To Try It or We Would Have Eaten It But My Brother/Sister/Cousin Looked At It First And Now It Is No Good, and everywhere in between. Combine that with iffy travel schedules (will they arrive in time for lunch? dinner? It's anybody's guess!), and you're talking a food planning nightmare.
My sister-in-law, however, has this particular dilemma solved. Here's what she had on hand:
A HoneyBaked ham. But this was not the ham we are used to getting, the one that lasts you a week and you go to the fridge thinking, finally, we're finished with that damn ham but you open the fridge and there it is, staring at you, with another 8 pounds of meat to go before you can justify tossing it. No, she got a mini-ham. Brilliant. It was just the right size for the 8 of us to have for dinner that night, on biscuits the next morning for breakfast, and then Poof! Gone before the party was no longer fun. I can only hope she's saying the same thing about us...