Dear readers, I have been terribly, terribly remiss about posting. And I am sorry! I am merely living up to our family motto of It's Always Something (seriously, I'm pretty sure that's what is written under the old family crest I have) (our other family motto, from the Fraser side, is Je Suis Pret. But I can't live up to that one). I was finally recovered from the Cold From Hell, we had a fabulous weekend, and then BOOM. Literally, BOOM. Lightning struck our house Sunday afternoon, and we've been dealing with the aftermath ever since (Hello new phone line, new sprinkler system timer system, new hot water heater, and new tivo box - I just can't think of
anything I'd rather be spending money on than all of you). On top of that, I flew to Atlanta Monday for a lunch meeting, and got unexpectedly stuck overnight due to more storms. THE FUN NEVER ENDS. (On the upside, I did get to see Atlanta Mom - gotta love a friend who greets you in the middle of the night with clean pajamas, Aleve, and a brand new toothbrush).
On to better things. I am so enamoured of our grilled pizza, that I took pictures of it last weekend, to show you just how easy it is. In case you've forgotten, here are the quick steps.
(1) Roll out your pizza dough, super thin (to the delight of my boys, I actually toss mine to get it this thin, rolling it doesn't seem to do it for some reason). Brush one side of olive oil, place on grill olive oil side down (medium heat). Quickly brush the side that is now up with olive oil.

(2) Let it cook for 2-3 minutes, then flip.

(3) Put on your toppings - this past weekend we had the best farm box delivery yet, so our pizza is topped with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, peppers, onions, olives, and some pepperoni (yes, green peppers only on one side - little compromises like this make for Marital Bliss). Close the lid and let it cook another 4 minutes or so, until the cheese is nicely melted.

(4) Enjoy the best pizza you've ever had!