Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Has it really been almost a week since I last posted? Where does the time go? (Around here, I think it gets sucked into the black hole called Children That Don't Nap, Work Projects That Are More Complicated Than Anticipated, and Dirty Laundry That Clones Itself)
We've just finished the third week of January (which means it is time for you people to get your Christmas decorations packed away. Yes Dear Neighbors, I am talking to you. If I can do it, anyone can, but particularly people whose children no longer live at home).

Our paper reports that this is the week most people give up on their resolutions. I've been doing well with my resolution to eat and serve more vegetables, but we're hitting serious test time. I have 4 trips in the next 4 weeks, and will be lucky to just keep my head above water, let along think, plan, and execute well-balanced and nutritious meals. This first week is a warm up, so here's my plan:

Sunday: Prepare lasagna, put in refrigerator for later in the week. Make Sunday dinner of roasted chicken over vegetables (fresh delivery from Cha Bella, if you're in Savannah you really need to be taking advantage of this...). Leftover chicken saved for later.
Monday: 5pm teleconference AND family dinner with my parents. Solution? Take-out sushi over at my parents' house. (BTW, who plans a 5pm mandatory teleconference? People without little children, that's who. Thank goodness for mute buttons.)
Tuesday: Salad and lasagna (score! it's already made!)
Wednesday: DH working this evening. Kiddos and I will have chicken and black bean quesadillas with the leftover chicken. (Oops. Just realized that doesn't include a vegetable, and a grocery store trip is not in the cards between now and then. I'll add apples for all of us and call it Good Enough)
Thursday: All day client meeting out of town for me; if everything goes absolutely perfectly, my flight will land (with me on it) at 5:30pm. Leftover lasagna for dinner, and Thursday is vegetable delivery day, so we'll have whatever comes with it. If there's no lasagna left, always a possibility if I eat the rest of it for lunch, we'll just do omlettes and vegetables.
Friday: Homemade pizza with more fresh vegetables from whatever is delivered on Thursday, LARGE glass of wine.

Have a good week!